I never thought that I would be so busy in my life. By the time you put class preperations, MAT, football, and planning an October wedding together there is not enough time in the day. I catch myself wanting to complain about how much I have to do and how little time I have to do it, but then I realize that i'm not the only one that is doing this or that has ever done it, so there is no excuse.
I have enjoyed my classes so far, I am teaching five classes of high school geometry and one class of A.P. Calculus. The one frustrating thing is the geometry kids that just don't care. I try to encourage them and get them, but I just can't seem to get them to care about the class. I'm not real sure what to do. The majority of the class does care and they are great. The are engaged and take good notes and ask questions and make class a joy to teach, but I have to find a way to reach the ones who want to just sit and wait out the 45 minutes until class is over.